There you go... Remember? I sure do. So what we had to do next was start putting it all back together again so we actually had a bathroom.
We started by picking out new time for the tub and walls and a new floor.
Are any of you Dwell readers out there? Or just look on line at home improvement sites and blogs? If you are, I am sure you have read and seen the adds for Mod Walls. They have all types of tile and great color combo's to choose from. You can even make up your own and it is ohsoreasonably priced!
TA DA!!!!! Our new tile for our new bathroom! As you can see, it has many of the same existing colors going on through out the house so it all ties together. Love it! ... Also it is the little 1X1 tiles but you will notice that they come in about 1"x1" sheets, so no piecing in on one by one silly kids.
After a few sessions of YouTube Jared started tiling the bathroom.
Here is our friend Chris who helped Jared get it all started as well as helped with adding the sheet rock back to the wall framing.
Little by little it started to really come together. Another thing with this tile is that after you add it to the walls with grout, you then have to go back and grout all of the groves between each tile. It's not a one by one process but you smooth it over the tile as a whole and then clean the excess off. A process we had on our hands, but how awesome is it starting to look!
If you remember in the last post, Jared broke out the original window during the demo. process. Because it is an older home, the window's are not the typical sizes that the houses today have. To get a window custom for the space was a bit more money they we had at the moment and decided to think of a quick solution. We got one as close to the size as we could find, and Jared mad his own framing. He used 1x2's in the back to hold it in place and places subway tile around it to make it pop a little as well as cover the hand made framing. I personally really like it. It gives the window a bit more depth and I am able to use it as a shelf for shampoos' soaps or whatever.
SO what's a bathroom with out a floor right .... This actually. YUCK!
In search for the floor of his dreams, Jared sent out for sample upon sample and came to the conclusion of returning to a similar flooring that was placed in the bathroom from the get go. It's is common to find VCT flooring with in older mid century homes and this was the room calling it back.
Now this project was a little more then what a YouTube sesh could really teach, so we hired a pro to do the work. Plus I think Jared was a little on the work overload side of things.
BAM! We have a floor. A dirty one, but a floor. Because the area is so small, it needed to be buffed as well as waxed by hand. We had 6 coats of wax put on this sucker. We would have liked it with a bit more shine but, enough is enough.
Still not in 100% working order, another detail was added. As you can kind of see on the right bottom side, the tile could not, well didn't go all the way to the floor. As a fix to the problem and another great element to the bathroom we added a 1x3 molding around the tile to frame it all out.

Boy at work once again. Notice; you'll see a lot of plaid wearing going on in this house.... Plaid means you're hard at work.
It's hard guys! To get a great picture, is just not gonna happen if I take it... I'm sure you have noticed.
I hop you are all up for a trilogy of a real bathroom story because there is still another post to come!
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